St. Clements Churchyard/Cemetery
7 St Clement Drive
St. Andrews, MB R1A 4A1
phone 204-482-7237
For inquiries, name searches etc. please contact the above number or email address. Thanks.
Churchyard Fees as of Jan 1, 2023
Schedule B
Parish of St. Clements Mapleton
Churchyard Fees as of January 1, 2023
Grave Plots Cost Plus Perpetual Care
Adult single (4’ x 8’ 9″) $800.00 $200.00
Adult double (4’ x 8’ 9″) $1,800.00 $200.00
Child single (2’ 6″ x 5’ 6″) $450.00 $200.00
Infant single (2’ x 5’) $250.00 $200.00
Cremation plot (2’ x 2’) (includes search fee
and summer internment) $500.00 $200.00
Burial Fee Surcharge on plots sold
prior to 1983 $195.00
Ashes on family plot $325.00 $200.00
(Plus search fee and summer internment)
Opening & Closing
Summer $150.00
Winter $200.00
Special Fees
Off hour / Weekend fee $100.00
Search $25.00
Permit $75.00
Perpetual Care Fund $100.00
Columbarium (Niche prices include $300.00 perpetual care)
Niche – Unit A and D
Single 8″ x 8″
Inside dimension 6.75″ x 7.75″x 11.5″ $1,250.00
Niche – Unit C and B
Double 12″ x 12″
Inside dimension 10.5″ x 10.75″ x 12″ $1,800.00
Niche – Unit 1 $1,900.00
Niche – Unit 2 $2,100.00
Special Notes
Prices do not include urns
Prices include regular hours opening & closing, otherwise off hours fees apply.
You may reserve a specific niche at time of purchase.
A standard bronze plaque (as per sample) is included in the price of A and D niches.
Standard engraving (as per sample) is included in the price of C & B niches
The size of the niches in Columbarium A have been changed from 7.5″x7.5″x 11.5″ to 6.75″ x 7.5″ x 11.5
The lettering on a single niche is limited to a single line of no more than 20 letters.
This Schedule B, representing the Churchyard Fees has been adopted by the Parish of St. Clements Mapleton by its resolution dated the 18th day of November, 2022, as recorded in the minutes of that date, and supersedes and replaces any previous schedule.
Schedule A – Parish of St Clements Mapleton Churchyard Policies, Rules and Regulations