The 160th Anniversary Committee is very pleased to highlight families from the church and beyond, and submit their stories to you to read.
Memories of Yesteryear as submitted by Bruce Avison
Back in about 1947 and for a few more years, it was customary and
fashionable to dress a young lad in shorts. Cooler weather may call for
stockings along with those shorts and cold weather entailed long underwear
folded neatly so that when the stockings were pulled on, there were as few
lumps as possible from the folded underwear. Now in order to hold up the
stockings and keep them in place, a garter belt had to be fastened around
the waist with the clips hanging down. If you didn’t get the right tension
on the garters, then the stockings were hanging until there was tension on
those garters. At that time, I wasn’t old enough to differentiate between
gender clothing, so I was wearing my sisters garter belt and probably
stockings too.
There I was, along with my sisters all dressed for Sunday school and set off
with them and some neighbours walking down River Road to go to St. Clements
Sunday school. This occurred over quite a while. Then on special occasions,
it wasn’t the brown stockings anymore. It was the Sunday-go-to-meeting white
stockings with instructions to not kneel down or play along the way. Also
with the passing of time, one gains some independence and wants to dress
oneself. I must have been the only kid in Sunday school with the lumpiest
It was later that I must have out grown that faze because I was now
wearing breeks or britches which were a 3/4 length leg with laces on the
side for about 6 inches, leather patches on the knees and long socks tucked
underneath. Again, probably the entertainment of the week at our local
Sunday school at St. Clements.
And now, over 70 years later, my wife and I are living adjacent to the
Church on River Road.
Submitted by
Bruce Avison
P.S. my parents and some of the old neighbours along with friends and
acquaintances are in the cemetery here. A walk-through from time to time is
healthy in more ways than one.
The Hood Family
Pat and Ruth Hood lived on Pruden Ave. and had seven children, Madeline, Beatrice, Kenneth (deceased), Mary, Leona, Clarence and Sharon.
Madeline: Married Orten Cochrane from Peguis December 3, 1952, by Reverend R. Holms. She lived in Peguis until her husband died, then she moved to Fisher Branch when she married George Ferris.
Beatrice: Attended Sunday School, Lantern Slides, at the hall, Young Peoples Club organized by Vernon Railton, sang in Junior Choir, organist Mrs. Sadie Campion, and Minister, Reverend R. Holms. Confirmed by Reverend R. Holmes. Belonged to The Daughters of St. Clements (Junior W.A.), 1962, organized by Mrs. Nelson Smith. Married Frank Ingimundarson, April 25, 1959 by the Reverend Nelson Smith. Divorced in 1979. Married Arnold (Ron) Furdyk in 2004.
Mary: Attended Sunday School, Lantern Slides, Young Peoples Club. Sang in Junior Choir, Mrs. Sadie Campion, Organist, and Minister Reverend R. Holmes. Confirmed at Christ Church by Reverend R. Holmes. Married Pierre Rivard from Shawinigan, Quebec April 8, 1961, at Notre Dame Catholic Church. They had two children, Darren and Therese. Therese’s son Justin Rivard was christened at Easter 1983 by The Reverend Rob Willingham. Pierre died in 2019, Darren 2020 buried in columbarium by the Venerable Godfrey Mawejje.
Leona: Attended Sunday School, confirmed by The Reverend J.S. Whitehouse. Married Peter Doell from Taber, Alberta April 24, 1965, by Reverend P. Phillips. She has lived in Alberta since her marriage. They had three children.
Clarence: Christened by The Reverend R. Holmes, attended Sunday School, confirmed by The Reverend P. Phillips. Married Marilyn McDonald June 8, 1968, by The Reverend P. Phillips. They had three children, Shelly, Doreen, and Curtis.
Memories from Shirley Woycheshen
When I grew up, we went to St. Andrews on the Red. I was baptized, confirmed and married there. Then I went to Christ Church. I was asked to be Godmother to Megan Cooper and the Ceser girls. I loved the friendship at St. Clements and how welcoming people could be so I stayed. Rob Willingham was the minister at the time. My kids were confirmed here.
Some first memories were of the Candy Man – Mike Kreuger, Gerald and Jean Cromarty, Connie and Victor Truthwaite, Jens and Ruth Magnusson and all the family, Thelma and Peter Wawryk and Frank and Lilly Cawson to name a few.
In 1990 my grandson, Kenny, came to live with me and so he had to come to church with me. When he was eight, he asked me if he could read in church. He read till he was 15. Kenny was baptized and confirmed in our church. Grandsons Owen and Brett were also baptized in our church.
Our church has been blessed with 160 years. We are all blessed and I pray many, many more years.
In 2016 God proved he was in control. I had surgery that I shouldn’t have survived. Here I am.
Memories from Joyce Harbour
Memories of St Clements Church
Joyce started going to St Clements church in 1938 after her grandmother got sick and Joyce and her mother moved in with grandma and grandpa and uncle Martin ( badly wounded in the First World War) to help them
Grandma died when WW 2 was declared
The Church has really stayed the same but did get new pews
After Ron and Joyce got married in st Clements church July 5, 1947 and at that time they moved to St Clements on a regular basis.
Older women were in the afternoon meeting for women’s auxillary
The younger crowds had evening meetings
We all worked together
Had big pancakes and sausages when Lent started
Ladies would have tea ( Mother’s Day,
And Father’s Day breakfast
The Cemetery
Has certainly gotten bigger.
Added acreage up to the main highway
Was declared a non deniminational all cemetery ( did not have to be an Anglican to be buried there after it was enlarged)
Bought land where Mapleton lane is
The whole church worked hard
Always something going on. It was a lively community
Cemetery is older than the church
A lot of old graves on the side closest to water is oldest
Space at side of church for mostly babies
Grandfather and grandmother Reid are buried on left side as you are walking into to church grounds surrounded by a black metal fence. Joyce used to go and paint it
Joyce’s family on the Reid side is buried on left side of sidewalk ( as you enter from
Parking lot)
Fiddlers side ( Joyce’s mother’s side) is buried on right side of the walkway
Pruden – Joyce’s grandmother on her side of family ‘s sister was married to Paul Pruden Was Joyce’s great uncle.
Ron’s ashes are in Joyce’s mothers and fathers grave
Church- Joyce went to Sunday school, but was confirmed in Christ church because they combined the confirmation classes with Christ church. There was a shared ministry with Christ Church in Selkirk with reverend Montgomery. Christ church service was at 1100 and St. Clements at 1500 hrs
When he retired at Clements got own minister
All 3 of Joyce’s boys were baptized at St Clements
There was one stained glass window that was put in when Joyce was there ( front left side)
All other windows were there
When the church decided to purchase new pews Ron and Joyce bought the pew in front of Paul and Nancy Prudens stain glass window ( was put in by the prudens) and prudens bought the pew
See a small plaque – donated by Joyce tom harbour in memory of grandparents and one for her mother (each pew cost around $2000). Joyce and Ron bought pew ahead of and behind the pew the prudens purchased. You can see a small plaque on some of the pews to see who donated the pews.
Pews were extended in the church
Place where minister changes used to be a stove – wood stove ( not sure when the furnace was put in)
Furnace put up in second story
The Old pews…..
Had a back that was as thick as 2×4
They all creaked when you moved
You would get slivers in your butt if you moved the wrong way
The Church was packed every Sunday in the 1950’s and 1960’s
There was only 1 service at 1500 hrs because of the shared minister
Not sure if this story can be completed in 500 words, but anyway, here goes.
Our mother, Dorothy Isabel Sutherland, married our dad, Peter Burzuik, on September 20th, 1946 at St. Clements Church solemnized by Rev. R. S. Montgomery. Our mother attended St. Clements Church pretty much her whole life. Her faith was strong and she passed that same strong faith along to her children. All her children were Baptized at St. Clements Church. It was part of who we were.
I remember going to Sunday School at a very early age, and bringing my brothers and sister along with me. My sister Angela remembers going to the Church after Sunday School to help in the Church. I was confirmed at St. Clements and remember going to classes at the Rectory with Rev Nelson Smith when I was a teenager. I also belonged to the Anglican Young People’s Association and we all met at the Church Hall and had bon fires and activities.
We lost our dad Peter in August, 1972, and my mother then had to find a job and was employed as a Health Care Aide at the Betel Home. She never wavered from her faith and continued attending her beloved St. Clements Church and had the support of all her dear Church family. Our dad is buried in the beautiful Church yard.
My mother was involved with the Altar Guild. All the ladies worked very hard in having bake sales, teas, and suppers to raise funds for the church. The ladies looked after the Church linens and changed the Altar and hangings for each new season and keeping the Church in good repair.
It was in my later years that my family moved closer to the Church and I would attend Sunday services with my mother and we were both in the Choir together and belonged to the Altar Guild and also were members of the Vestry.
It was some of the best years of my life. We had a lot of good memories, our faith and the fellowship that surrounded us. Working together as a Church family, making so many friends, and sharing a common goal of keeping the Church in pristine condition and alive and well within the community. We were so fortunate when Rev Godfrey Mawejje and his dear family became part of our family and our Church thrived and grew stronger.
My mother was always busy, even though she worked outside the home, and had 4 children at home when our dad passed away, she loved to knit and crochet. There was one particular project that she worked on for many, many years. She crocheted “The Lord’s Prayer”. It was an enormous project. She completed it around 2000, and was trying to decide what to do with it, so she ended up giving it to me, when we moved to British Columbia.
I knew this piece of art was very precious and needed to be displayed, but not just anywhere. It had to go to St. Clements. The ladies of the Altar Guild were elated to take on the project of having it framed and hung in the Church Hall. And there it remains until today. My mother was so proud to see her work of art hung in her beloved Church. It meant the world to her.
In 2003, our grandson, Xander, at 21 months was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumour. I went down to stay with the family in the United States and my mother was there within the first few weeks to help our family. Our St. Clements family were sending their prayers and spread a prayer chain around the country. It gave us comfort and faith that Xander would be okay. He is now a very healthy 20 year old.
I was very proud to have my two dear grandsons, Xander and Willem, baptized by Rev Mawejje at St. Clements Church. It was so important to me and our family that they carry on the faith, in our dear beloved Church.
As my mother’s hearing failed, our dear Rev Mawejje would give copy of his sermon to my mother every Sunday. He called them “his love letters” to her. She kept them all and I still have them among my keepsakes.
As my mother’s health failed, she left instructions with her family that she wanted her funeral service to be held at St. Clements Church, during a Sunday Service and nothing fancy. She picked out her favourite hymns. She passed away in August of 2015 and there she was laid to rest at her beloved St. Clements along side her husband.
Thank you for this opportunity to be a part of the Celebration of 160 years of St. Clements Church.
Sharon Panasky (Burzuik)
Dawn MacFarlane
St Clements has figured largely in our lives for almost 60 years. I first discovered it while on a weekend drive with my husband Mac in 1966. As we were driving along River Road, set beside the Red River, I first saw the church of my dreams set in the midst of its peaceful setting and beside the spreading old cemetery. Almost breathless, I went inside to find that the interior was as perfect in its antiquity and beauty as the exterior, and the setting. The stained glass window at the front of the church depicts Jesus with the children and mothers of Salem. This is the same window that is in St James Poplar Park where I attended church in my youth with my mother and father. Like a “welcome”, I felt.
Starting with the very next Sunday, we attended worship services. Rev Patrick Phillips, was a tall, thin Englishman, who greeted us at the door very cordially. He was a quietly devout man who baptized our children Laurie, Gordon and Carol on April 28, 1968 and who arranged my confirmation by Bishop John O Anderson on May 26th of the same year.
Since that time I have been much involved in various capacities. I have been a member of the vestry, and the altar guild. I have been the rector’s warden, licensed lay reader, “fill in preacher” and so on. Ministers that I have served with include Patrick Phillips, Brian Flower, Greg Clark, Dan Ash, Charles Walton and Godfrey Mawejje.
Over the years my daughters were both married there. As is life, my husband Mac is buried in the cemetery along with his sister Ann Large and her grandson Cola Opanubi. Also resting peacefully in the cemetery is Aunt & uncle Martha and Arnie Anderson, sister in law Dorothy Anderson, and great nephew Kyle Anderson.
There today remains a small congregation of ordinary men and women, of whom I am proud to be one of. We keenly feel the privilege and responsibility as stewards of St Clements, both as the House of God, and as a part of the history of the great Canadian West. I invite you to Come and See for yourselves.
Hi every one
My name for those who do not know me, is Beverley Grobb.
I had a Catholic father and Greek Orthodox mother. I was baptized as an infant at St. Margarets Roman Catholic Church in Little Britain. I attended Catechism there.
I went to Mapleton School in old England as we called it. Most of my school friends attended St Clements Anglican church. I attended many different functions there from the time I was about eleven years old. I was so taken with the beautiful old church, the wonderful people and excellent ministry, that I began to attend services on a regular basis.(With full approval from my Catholic Grandmother!)
The Reverend Nelson Smith, father of the late Reverend Paul Smith, was the incumbent at the time. He was always picking me out of the group to make sure I felt personally welcome. I still call him Saint Nelson as that is how he appeared to me, and he seemed to sense my spirituality.
Nelson and his lovely wife invited my friends and I to their home for lunches and dinners, and as a young girl, I was very impressed with their, kindness, generosity, and acceptance. I could just feel their strong Faith.
By this time I was a very strong Christian, and wanted to become Anglican. With a wonderful sense of belonging, I soon became confirmed and officially joined St. Clements church. After this my sister and her husband became confirmed and were married there.
As time went on several different priests officiated at many family baptisms,
Weddings and funerals. On advice from Reverend Dan Ash, my father even had a joint Anglican/Catholic funeral service! It was heartwarming watching the Two officiants put their heads together.
Do you get the sense that most of my family followed me to St. Clements? Both my children were Baptized, confirmed and married there as well. Actually I was married there twice myself! (Lol)
Some of my best memories of St. Clements are, teaching Sunday school, the Christmas pageant, picnics at the church park with many wonderful events for children and families! The races were a hit as well as baseball, face painting and everyone got prizes, and the Dixie cups that were haded out at the end. I really miss these picnic days! Other memories also of Mapleton school concerts, Brownies, Girl Guides, teen parties, and dances and square dancing! What beautiful memories!!
I served on vestry for many years and was a Synod delegate. I also had the privilege of being on the committee that hired our wonderful Mawejje to come from Uganda and who is still our incumbent today. I recall his first day at St. Clements when he proudly announced the birth of his first granddaughter Teresa who is a wonderful young adult now! We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated man and his family as members of the St. Clements. I personally thank Mawejje for many years of friendship and service! He and his family are well loved by this community.
I must say that the many different priests and the wonderful congregation
over the past sixty plus years, are what have made all the good memories even greater,
And I thank you all !
Our Family’s Connection to St. Clements Anglican Church began with my grandmother, Sarah Ann (Sadie) Campion (nee Black).
Sarah, affectionately known as Sadie, was born in 1896 in the small rural community of Mapleton. She married Alfred Campion in 1917, and eventually they settled in Sadie’s family homestead. Alfred and Sadie had 5 children, including my mom, Bonnie. My mom married my dad, Harry Freeman, and they would eventually raise 10 children.
In the beginning of their marriage, Alfred worked away from home a lot. To keep herself busy, Sadie took piano lessons from a neighbor, Miss Edith Thompson. When she became adept at playing piano, she was asked to play the organ at St. Clements Church. Operating the antique pipe organ was very different from the old piano that she was used to playing, but she loved it. She started playing part-time in 1922, taking time off to have each of her 5 children. She started playing regularly in 1936 and quickly became a welcoming and comforting fixture at St. Clements Church. For nearly 60 years, her smiling face and lilting voice greeted the parishioners as they entered the church and knelt to pray.
In addition to playing for church services, Sadie was involved in many other aspects of church and community life. She played for countless weddings, funerals, baptisms, choir practises, concerts and recitals. She also played for Sunday School activities and numerous special services throughout the year. When she wasn’t playing at the church, Sadie often joined other community members in providing the entertainment at dances and social events. She served on committees and attended meetings, eventually becoming a lifetime member of the Vestry and the Women’s Association. In addition to all of this, she cleaned the church after services for many years.
Sadie’s involvement with the church led to her family members participating in church activities as well. She never drove a car, so my mom, dad or siblings often drove her to church or wherever her services were needed. Her son, Kenneth, also a dedicated and faithful member of the church, served as Sexton (grounds-keeper, grave digger, custodian and bell-ringer). Her uncle, Jacob Spence, was the Sexton and caretaker of the church until he passed away in 1953. Grampa Campion donated his time and talents to make pancakes every Shrove Tuesday, and to make pies for bake sales and teas.
St. Clements Church has been our family’s church for decades now. Our grandma was the driving force behind our connection, involvement and participation. Most of us were baptized there as babies. Many of our children and grandchildren have now been baptized there as well. We attended Sunday School as kids. We became quite familiar with the inside of the church as we were often recruited to help grandma clean.
In our teens we were confirmed, attended Junior Auxilliary (J.A.) or sang in the choir. Many of us were married at St. Clements. Over the years, many of us have been parishioners, with some continuing to attend church services today. Some serve on committees and help with fundraising. Others in my family support the church through donations and helping out at functions. My mom and dad, Grandpa and Grandma Campion, and numerous other family members are interred there as well.
My grandma, Sadie Campion, loved St. Clements Church. She was determined to maintain her connection to St. Clements for as long as she could. The strength of her faith came out in her playing, and in her dedication to the parish and the people it served. She understood that to belong to the church meant that she would be connected to others in heart and purpose. That is what she wanted for her family, and that is what she tried to teach us with her words and her actions. She was a remarkable lady and a dedicated servant of the Lord.
Written by Tannis Barker
Below is a very Merry Christmas Story, enjoy the read.
The year was 1983, the place St. Clements Church and the season was Christmas.
As I look back to that year I remember what a special time it was. I was the Sunday school superintendent that year. We had 82 children registered for Sunday school and 7 teachers. The church hall was buzzing with activity every Sunday. We had a great group of dedicated teachers who loved what they did.
At that time St. John’s Boys school was open and part of their outreach program to the community was that they joined St Clements church to help wherever they could. One of the teachers from the boys school, Peter Cain joined the Sunday School and him and Greg looked after the music and taught Sunday school. Every Sunday Peter and Greg would bring their guitars and they would worship the Lord with the children. There was also a couple of students from the school that helped out.
Christmas was approaching soon and we decided that we wanted to do something different for the children that year. We spent three weeks meeting together and we came up with the idea of giving an old fashioned Christmas party. We put our ideas together and made a plan for the party. Father Rob Willingham was the minister at that time. We let him know what the plan was and he thought it was wonderful. We decided that the children would come to the hall at 2:00 pm. First on the agenda was making Christmas ornaments, decorating cookies and then decorating the Real Christmas tree that the boys at the school cut down. After they finished we took them sliding at the hill and they made snow angels.
We put the mothers in charge of supper. They had hotdogs, chips and for dessert the children’s favourite, rice crispy cake. As the children ate we sang Christmas carols. After supper we had the children sit at the tables and we told them we had a surprise for them.
Guess who came to visit the children, Father Christmas. But there was something special about this visit from Father Christmas. Lo and Behold in he came into the hall on a real dog sled with 4 sled dogs carrying gifts for each child. The expressions on those children’s faces were precious. The children were able to pet the dogs. A gift was given to each child. Our night was done. The children were very tired but happy.
It was a wonderful day. We all worked very hard to make it fun for the children. We felt blessed to be able to be a part of something that we knew the children would remember for a long time. It had been snowing all day and when we stepped outside that night it was like walking into a winter wonderland. As we looked down the walkway of the church, the trees were heavy with snow and the lights down the walkway made the snow sparkle like diamonds. A large wreath made of fresh boughs hung on the church door. The snow was gently falling and there was a glow around the church. It looked like a vintage Christmas card. We knew that God was pleased.
Greg and Linda McKenzie
This next story is certainly worth the read, as it pertains to the cemetery, which is a large part of St Clements. And it ends with a happy ending!
This family story does not necessarily relate to a family who worshipped at your beautiful church. It concerns instead a family with a sad story and, hopefully, a satisfying spiritual conclusion. It is not the family story of MY family…instead it is the story of a family with which we became acquainted in 1970. We became friends of Jack Webb and Doris, (nee Berrisford) at that time. We also cannot be sure that the family did ever worship at St. Clements Mapleton Church…..(though this is probably true), only that your cemetery is the last resting place for some members of the family.
To the best of our knowledge, Grandfather Fred , (1874-1942) and Grandmother Hannah, (1877-1953) Berrisford emigrated to Canada some time after their son, William, was born in 1899 in Manchester, England. They settled in the Selkirk area.
In 1922, when William was 23 years old he married Gladys, (nee Shead) of Stony Mountain, Manitoba. They also settled down in the Selkirk area, where William subsequently served as Mayor of Selkirk for the period 1938 to 1947. The family owned and operated a grocery store in the town.
The only son of William and Gladys, Gordon, was born on February 10th 1924 and a daughter, Doris, followed in 1927. When he was old enough Gordon worked in the family store and upon enlistment into the Royal Canadian Navy in 1943, his occupation was given as “Grocery Clerk”. Gordon was very proud and protective of his younger sister, Doris, and she would tell us how he made sure that, knowing the reputations of the contemporary young men in that still relatively small community, she was only escorted out by young men of his approval.
In or about 1942 the Berrisford family invested in a four-person family plot in the St. Clements cemetery and in November of that year Grandfather Frederick, aged 68 years, was laid to rest there.
Gordon Berrisford enlisted into the Canadian Navy at HMCS Chippewa in Winnipeg, and after training was posted as an Able Seaman to HMCS St. Croix. The St. Croix was an older destroyer of American origin, and upon declaration of WW2 had been transferred to the Canadian Navy, being based out of Halifax. She had a normal crew complement of about 150 officers and men. The St. Croix was engaged in escorting and protecting convoys in the North Atlantic Ocean against German submarine activity. Submarines hunted their prey in “wolf packs” and, intent on starving Britain into submission, were a deadly menace to allied merchant shipping. The St. Croix had already distinguished herself by sinking one of these “U-boats”.
At just before 10 pm on September 20th 1943 the St. Croix was escorting a convoy in the North Atlantic when she was hit by a torpedo from U305. She did not sink at once, a second torpedo missed her entirely, but a third missile struck her and she sank within minutes. Many men died immediately but some were thrown into the icy water to drown or to die of hypothermia.
A British corvette, HMS Polyanthus, immediately steamed over with a view to picking up survivors, but she too was struck by a torpedo, and all but one of her crew of approximately 85 men were added to the list of victims.
The following day another British destroyer, HMS Itchen was ordered to look for survivors from the St. Croix and the Polyanthus. Upon reaching the area she managed to pick up approximately 81 survivors. However, she, in turn, was then struck by a torpedo and began to sink. A secondary explosion, believed to have possibly been her own depth charges exploding, determined her fate. She had been carrying her own complement of approximately 150 men, plus the survivors from the St. Croix and the Polyanthus.
Of the combined ships complements of approximately 385 officers and men, only 3 seamen were ultimately saved. Gordon Berrisford was not one of them. He had been in the Canadian Navy for only 269 days.
Upon receiving news of Gordon’s death at sea, his father, William Berrisford, was inconsolable. His beloved only son would no longer be coming home. Doris often told us us that she believed her father eventually died of a broken heart. He passed away in 1948 at the even-for-that-era young age of 48 years. He joined his father Frederick in the family plot.
Grandmother Hannah Berrisford died and was interred at St. Clements in 1953 at the age of 76 years.
Doris had by now married and moved to Winnipeg; too far for her to visit with her family. So for many years the memorial markers of William, Frederick and Hannah lay unnoticed just off the lane and close to the parsonage. They had sunk into the ground and were half-covered with grass.
In April 2021 the last member of this Berrisford line passed away. Doris was just over 95 years old.
Her husband had died in 2009 and Doris was interred with him in Winnipeg. Doris had told us of this vacant burial plot a number of times. Could we, as friends and Executors of her Will donate this plot to a needy family? We did not realise that it had been a four-person family plot……only that Doris had told us that there was a plot at St. Clements which was unoccupied.
So, one day we decided to drive out to St. Clements and check out the situation. We found the plot very easily due to the large “Berrisford” granite stone there. But we immediately realised that a non-family member could not be interred there, and thus knew that donation of the plot was out of the question. So, what to do with this valuable property?
It came in a flash……..memorialize Gordon, the 19 year-old seaman whose body had never come home, by placing a plaque to him on the empty plot. We had no idea how this idea would be received by the authorities at St. Clements so we sent an e-mail with a request. Lorraine responded kindly and enthusiastically, and has supported us right through out our project. Thank you, Lorraine! And thanks also to Pastor Mawejje whom we met and who also supported us in our venture.
Accordingly we ordered a plaque for Gordon and put it in place on November 12/2021. Sadly we could not pick it up until the day after Remembrance Day. Being able to place it on that day would have made it even more special and symbolic for us.
But now the plaque has been installed and Gordon, who gave his young life fighting for his country, is “back home” with his family. We hope that William can be even more “At Peace” with his son again at his side.
Story submitted by Clive Hickson, power of attorney for Doris Webb, nee Berrisford
** Footnote to this story……We were able to tell them than Gorgons name is engraved on the cenotaph on Selkirk. Plus, Berrisford Ave. in Selkirk was also named after the family. They were not aware of that fact. We also put them in touch with the Shead family in Selkirk, and they have made plans to meet!

Betty Burzuik Lee Family Memories
Our Mom, Betty Burzuik-Lee was a devoted parishioner of St. Clements Anglican Church for decades. She brought her children to worship, Sunday School, choir & choir practice & confirmation classes. We also enjoyed the church picnics, the many celebrations, and church outings such as going to Winnipeg to CKY -TV Station to be on the show Kids Bids; that was many years ago now but still a vivid memory. There were many pig roasts & barbecues all with our family, friends & neighbors. One of our fondest memories of St. Clements’s Church & Mom are when we attended the Christmas Eve service with her, hearing the sermon, singing the beautiful hymns, & the fellowship, but most of all sharing this beautiful moment with our Mom & Nana .
Mom was very proud when one of her children or grandchildren became as involved in the church as she was: baptized, confirmed, becoming choir and Vestry members, assisting as Server, and even when her granddaughter Karrie became a Lay Reader. The children and grandchildren remember fondly those Sunday services sitting in the back with Big Mike Burzuik (our Dads cousin) and our Church family. Mom’s heart would fill with joy when our family members chose to be married at St.Clements Church.
The Altar Guild had a very special place in Mom’s heart. She had wonderful cherished friendships with many of the members & truly enjoyed the preparing, organizing & presentations of the fabulous Teas, Anniversary Dinners & Pancake Suppers just to name a few of the fundraising events. Mom thoroughly enjoyed being a big part of the Altar Guild & raising funds for the church.
When Mom & our dear Walter Lee became engaged to be married, they both felt that the only choice for their Wedding ceremony was St. Clements Church, with their families & church families gathered around them. Mom & Walter continued their very active church life for many more years happily together.
Both Mom & Walter are laid to rest in St. Clements’s Cemetery with their loved ones that passed before them. In this peaceful & serene setting we remember all of our loved ones there & recall the many cherished memories of our family at St. Clements Church.
Mom would have been so thrilled to celebrate this 160th Anniversary , I know as we do as her family wish all a very Happy 160th Anniversary St.Clements Church .

Betty & Karrie, Betty & Walter Lee on their wedding day, Betty’s confirmation, Doug Burzuik & Rev Smith 1964
The Inniss Story
My husband Kenneth and I were married in St. Clements Church on July 2nd, 1964 by Reverend Nelson Smith. Our three Children, Yvonne, Robert and Ian were baptized and confirmed in the church.
Following our marriage my husband attended church regularly but I didn’t become a regular member until 1974. In the intervening years I took part in the Mothers Union meetings that Rev. Patrick Phillip’s wife Mae arranged. The meetings were held once a month in the Rectory. We mums brought our preschoolers to the rectory and a few of the older ladies of the church cared for them while we studied scripture, prayed, sipped tea and chatted. It was two hours without any child care responsibilities and a time to socialize with other young mothers. Each month I looked forward to these get-togethers.
The Phillips soon left and my contact with the church was limited. Full-time shift work, family responsibilities, schooling and adding another child to our family kept me busy.
In 1974 I started a new job and encountered a co-worker who wanted to know if I was a Christian and if I attended church. A little taken aback by her questioning I admitted I was a Christian but did not attend church. She insisted that it was my responsibility as a Christian to take my children to church. The following Monday my co-worker asked me if I had gone to church. I hadn’t. The following week she asked me the same question and added that if I didn’t take my children to church next Sunday she would come and take them herself!. Out of fear of having my children abducted by my co-worker, I bundled up my three kids on Sunday and we headed for St. Clements. We arrived at the church around 10:45am and were greeted outside the church by Mr. Frank Cawson. He told us we were early and took us into the church where we settled into a pew below the pulpit. A petite older lady was playing the organ. I later learned that her name was Mrs. Sarah Campion and that she had been the organist at St. Clements for a long time. I didn’t recognize anyone in the church and was unfamiliar with the order of service. We were a little anxious and not sure how this would go. The service soon started. The hymn began and the choir proceeded down the aisle toward the front of the church, followed by a young man in a flowing gold chasuble. He greeted the congregation and I realized that he was the priest. My only experience with clergy was that they were older men who wore a black cassock with a white surplus. It was the last day of the Christian year – The Reign of Christ, and all the hangings were white. I don’t remember anything about the readings, the hymns or the sermon but I do remember the feeling of love and joy that filled this beautiful church. When the service ended everyone was friendly and interested in me and my children. When we reached the door the priest greeted me by name and informed me that there was a Sunday School that the kids could attend. The following Sunday I returned to St. Clements with my children and enrolled them in Sunday School while I attended church.
So, on November 24th, 1974 my faith journey at St. Clements began. Reverend Dan Ash and his wife Barbara became dear friends and it wasn’t long before I became a member of vestry and was elected as a Synod delegate. I became involved in fund raisers and my children were involved in Sunday School activities.
Soon after joining the church I discovered that there was an early morning service at 7:45am that the students and staff of St. John’s Boys School attended. I started to attend that service as well. Although this service was cancelled for a short time it was re-established and has continued up until the present day with a small congregation which worships at 7:30am.
During the fifty-six years that I have been associated with St. Clements my life has been filled with amazing experiences. I remember prayer groups at the home of Jean Doolan and Quiet Days at St. Benedict’s. My children enjoyed camp outs in the park and Youth Group activities led by Lorraine Still. They especially remember sitting around a roaring bonfire singing songs with Jill Cooper playing her guitar. They have fond memories of the parish picnics in the park where they played “fun” games and felt a sense of community.
The children grew up and went their own way and my involvement with the church increased in the area of Worship. Although I had been reading scripture and assisting during the service for some time it wasn’t until 1986 that I was granted a Lay Readers License and took on more responsibilities. A Joint Worship Committee was established with St. George, Wakefield and together we planned the worship services for both parishes. Mrs. Dawn Macfarlane was also a Lay Reader and the priests at the time occasionally trusted us to conduct the Sunday service on our own when he was away. Reverend Godfrey Mawejje encouraged us further and during his extended vacations entrusted us to conduct both the early morning service and the main service with the help of visiting clergy.
Some of my most memorable experiences as a Lay Reader were when assisting at funerals, weddings and with baptisms, particularly when I was scheduled to assist at the baptism of my own grandson. It was a privilege to be a part of the worship team when the Bishop visited and the highlight was when The Primate of Canada, the Reverend Fred Hiltz visited in 2011 for our 150th anniversary. Another rare experience was standing beside the Bishop when one of our clergy was inducted into our parish. I am truly blessed to have been a part people’s most sacred moments.
In more recent years I took on the leadership role of the Altar Guild and had the privilege of working with a group of wonderful ladies. Together we cared for the altar, ensuring that each week the appropriate hangings were up and that the credence table was set for communion. Thanks to Sandy Pawluk and her knowledge of liturgical linens and symbols the Altar Guild was able to acquire the beautiful hangings that are on display every Sunday. These were designed and hand made by Sandra Toyne, a fabric artist.
Over the years fund raising has been an important part of parish life and I have fond memories of planning for the Spring and Christmas Teas, making fancy sandwiches, baking for the bake sale and cooking for the various parish dinners. These were all times of great fellowship.
In conclusion, writing this article has given me an opportunity to reflect on how grateful I am for being a part of this congregation and for the amazing clergy that have shaped my faith. The church has been there for me in times of tragedy and sorrow as well as in times of joy. May we continue to love and care for each other and welcome new members as I was welcomed on that Reign of Christ Sunday in 1974.